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  1. Chef_Hoosier

    Other Forums

    As god intended let us bring back the forums!!!
  2. Chef_Hoosier

    💯 Accepted 💯 King Terroriser's Staff-Application

    For one it is a joke for two It was for JJD not for me Chef homo sent it to me over discord as a joke and I made it my signature
  3. Chef_Hoosier

    💯 Accepted 💯 King Terroriser's Staff-Application

    In-game Name: King Terroriser Discord Username: King Terroriser#4700 SteamID32: 246029728 Age: 16 Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST) Tell us about yourself: I am generally a nice guy and I do not have a short temper so that's the best thing but enough about my personality a lot of you...
  4. Chef_Hoosier

    The Swift Potato's Ex-Staff Application

    +1 You were a great staff member and a wonderful friend and I hope you become staff again and I am looking forward to see if you will become a great staff member as you were before so best of luck to you and i hope i see you as staff soon-terroriser
  5. Chef_Hoosier

    Dj's Ex-Staff Application

    +1 Dj i'm glad you are trying to apply for staff again! Whenever you where in game you did a wonderful job and wasn't the type of person who would be very mingy or toxic in game and when you where on you showed great encouragement even when you missed up by accident. I wish you the best of luck...
  6. Chef_Hoosier

    Are titles even required? -JJD

    +1 I've known you for a couple of months and throughout those months I have looked up to you and chef homo I would love for you to become staff again and i hope you do, but you do need to work on being more active than before and turning up your mic gain so i don't think im deaf and can't hear...
  7. Chef_Hoosier

    Staff application

    Neutral I see you on the game a lot of the times I'm on but I do not see you interacting on the discord that often I have heard that you have very toxic and mingy, but this application has improved like JJD has said but I hope that you will be more mature and not biased if you do...
  8. Chef_Hoosier

    Trash's Ex-Staff Application

    +1 You were always the best on the server and even after you left the staff team you still stayed and talked to us and sometimes go on the server I would love to have you back on the staff team plus your application is very nice and well documented plus you not biased when you had to take sits...
  9. Chef_Hoosier

    Cash's Staff Application

    Neutral I really don't know you at all or have seen you in-game or discord but I think you would be great to have back on the server again taking sits but I do understand why you left NCBA because I have too lost someone too closely very recently but other than that your application is very good...
  10. Chef_Hoosier

    Claymore's Staff App

    Natural So far it is good but I would very much appreate that you could put more info on yourself and how you make you because that is how we know if you are staff material and you are not going to be toxic or going to be biased to different people and you have your own opinion but we are not...
  11. Chef_Hoosier

    Bread's Staff Application (redone)

    +1 I am very pleased that you did make this staff app bigger and more of a get to know you, I do apperate that you are very nonbiased for one person to another and how nice and kind you are in game when I am in a discord call with you or in game because you do not annoy a lot of people and other...